Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Communication is the process of establishing connection or link between two points for information exchange. Basically it is the process of conveying message at the distance. The electrical equipment which are used for the communication process are called communication equipments. Different communication equipment when essembled together from a communication system. The example of communication system are the line telegraphy, radio telephony and line telegraphy, radio broadcasting, point-point communication and mobile communication, computer communication ,radar communication, television broadcasting, radio aids to navigation, radio aids to aircraft landings etc…
      The earliest communication system namely line-telegraphy originated in eighteenth forties (1840s). In addition to this, line telephony came a few decades later whereas radio communication could become possible in the beginning of twentieth century on invention of triode valve. Radio communication was further great improved during World War II. It become more widely used through the invention of transistor, integrated circuits and other semi conductor devices in the subsequent years.


Anonymous said...

Communications Contexts A face-to-face conversation or a hand-delivered note can occur with little or no technology involved in the exchange, whereas many other communication situations require a technologically based delivery, according to Business Mobiles

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